The life of Marlene Arden Semchyshen as an Energy Healer/Reiki Master Teacher, Tarot Reader, Intuitive Mentor and Teacher
In her early years, unaware of her gradual awakening and of the expansion of her abilities she naturally gravitated to certain ways of thinking, behaving and being. By the age of 7 she just “saw and knew” things about people and about her environment that paved the way to the unfolding of her gifts and her awareness of energy.
When she felt objects owned by people who had passed she began to receive glimpses into their lives. At time she remembers having to physically drop the objects that felt awful and cherishing those that connected with her heart. From the ages of 9 to 12 she and her best friend began practicing mental activities such as trying to guess what the other was thinking and they played with various forms of “magic”. At the age of 12 however Marlene felt devastated when she was forbidden by her best friend’s parents to continue seeing each other when they found out how they had been playing.
Marlene’s interest in reading playing cards also began around the age of 9 as she would play games by herself trying to guess red/black suits, and came to realize that certain cards had feelings and meaning unlike others. Some cards felt good and others didn’t.
As a girl of 12 Marlene was hit by a car, an event that she believes ignited her intuitive abilities. An accident that left her with numerous bruises and scrapes as she was thrown from the scene, resulted in no physical pain. She did not remember being hit, but talking to the person who hit her about a block away from the accident who was very concerned about her well-being. For the week that followed she experienced unexplained and uncontrollable surges of energy through her body. She began seeing energy orbs in her home and in different places that she went, and at random times when walking down the street. For Marlene this became the norm.
What followed was an enhanced interest in all things occult, including a desire to learn about Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls and Candle Magic. World religions fascinated her as she devoured books to understand the essential meaning of them all. Arden began deeply feeling the energy of people, including being able to “hear” peoples conversations from distances. Distances, that defied logic. During this time she also became interested in the possibility of manipulating objects with her mind, and at times was successful in doing so.
For the most part she kept quiet through her youth about her intuitive gifts, although she didn’t think it was anything special at the time. Her abilities were simply part of her normal life experience. Marlene explained that she did not understand her abilities, nor did she really know how to explain how she experienced the world. So she didn’t. Marlene was worried that people would think that something was mentally wrong with her.
Laughing, Marlene reflected on how between the ages of 13 and 18 she would absolutely know when her parents were coming home after being away from the house, and she would ensure that she would be back 5 minutes before they arrived. Again, she just knew things and could not explain why.
At the age of 19, Marlene Arden acquired her first Tarot deck, and began doing ‘free’ public readings from 19 – 22. Although she studied books on the ancient craft, she found that she had a natural intuitive ability to read without reference, as the meaning of each card presented itself to her based on the individual in front of her. To date, she has been reading Tarot cards for almost 50 years and reports to owning over 40 different decks. She considers her cards sacred, and went on to explain that there are decks that are so personal that she would never allow anyone to touch them.
Throughout Marlene Arden’s youth and her adult life she and a natural fondness for animals. She realized that she could “hear” them communicate with her and in turn she would communicate back. This natural flow of communication was her norm as animals would share what they were thinking and feeling. Animals naturally gravitate towards Marlene, no matter where she is.
Marlene remembers being intuitively gifted in many lifetimes, and in some, very powerfully so. During the past lives she remembers always being persecuted for her ability to “see”, for her knowing and for using her voice as a defender of truth. Even in this lifetime she largely remained quiet and those who have known about her unique abilities have often tried to shut her down and occasionally tried doing her physical harm.
During this life Marlene Arden has grown as a human being in exponential ways, and is now allowing her gifts to fully flourish without care of repercussions. She just knew that it was time. The year 2020 represented a massive internal shift where she morphed from old ways of hiding into her current life of the full acceptance and the expression of her intuitive abilities. It is from this way of being, that Marlene Arden presents herself to the world.
(Interview on January 1, 2021)